Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shhhh...little people need rest!

Eva also sleeping bent in half. You wouldn't think that would be comfortable enough to sleep like that.
Eva fell asleep in the swing! At this age, she was known for her 15 min. cat naps in the swing!

Hayden, William and Jasmin during naptime! Bailey loves to snuggle with the kids and take a nap too!

Makynna must have fallen alseep while sitting up since she is sleeping bent in half!

Nap time is a very necessary part of our day. It gives the kids some down time to rest and re-energize themselves. It allows them to spend some quiet time on their own without other kids. It also gives me the one and only break that I get to take during the course of my 11 hour + work day. It is a good (and necessary) time for all of us! Some of the pictures in this section are some funny pictures of how I found some of the kids sleeping while I was checking on them!

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