Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big Girl Tries The Highchair

Brooke likes to see what is going on around her and really doesn't like it when I go into the kitchen to cook lunch. I decided to try putting her in the highchair so she could sit in the kitchen with me and sit up high enough to watch the kids run around. She absolutely loved it as you can see from the photos below.

Squish, Squeeze & Roll

Kitchen Helpers

Almost everyday, I have someone asking me if they can help me cook lunch. The kids are always great little chefs but since I am usually cooking as well, I don't even think about grabbing the camera. I finally remembered and took a few pictures of the big kids helping me.

Connor & Jasmin washing the carrots so Abby can peel them and then Arin cuts them up.

Jasmin, Connor & Arin taking the grapes off the stems so they are ready to rinse.

Abby peeling the carrots

They will make great chefs someday! Thank you big kids for all your help.

Outside Fun

Here are some more pictures of the kids enjoying our outside time.

Playing with the boxes from the new patio set. They had a blast! Boxes are so fun!

A little trampoline time for the big kids.

Watching the fence posts get put in.

Makynna saying 'cheeeeese'

Eva helping Payton with his swing

Connor & Arin showing off their monkey-skills

Eva & Payton watching from the ground below.

Payton driving a car.

He had stopped to fill up at the gas station.

Sean getting in the 'zone' to jump rope